Accelerating towards investment planning excellence – Affinity Water’s story
Event Date: 13/05/2021 10:00 am

How is the UK’s largest water-only company making rapid changes to its asset management and planning approaches to put the six capitals at the heart of its investment planning, and create a strong connection between strategy and action? Find out in this Utility Week webinar.
The water sector is now heavily set in delivery mode for AMP7, which includes a range of stretching performance and efficiency targets for all companies. To heap on pressure, the sector has committed to achieving a collective net zero emissions by 2030.
Affinity Water, the UK’s largest water-only company, is responding to this environment with a programme of accelerated transformation for its asset strategy and management function. Through the application of new technology and a fresh approach to value-based decision making, it aims to deliver maximum value from its regulatory settlement and make deep inroads into its decarbonisation roadmap.
Early achievements in this transformation programme have already seen Affinity:
· Move from an Excel-based approach to investment planning to genuine portfolio optimisation in just four months
· Formalise project benefit evaluations within a strategic value framework designed for the UK water industry’s net zero journey
· Align decision-making criteria with a “six capitals” approach
· Start using AI to optimise its in-flight investment portfolio and performance commitments
Cicely Striolo: Solutions Consultant, Copperleaf
Sarah Sayer: Investment Planning Manager, Affinity Water
Chair: Liz Bury, Utility Week
You can register to attend the webinar free here