Countdown to COP: Unleashing local net zero ambitions
Event Date: 29/06/2021 11:00 am

This webinar will explore whether utilities, as regional monopolies, can play a more active role in shaping the decarbonisation plans of their communities. Energy Systems Catapult, Western Power Distribution and one of the UK’s most ambitious local authorities will discuss in this free webinar.
Local actors will have a pivotal role in delivering net zero but are their plans aligned with the national push for decarbonisation and the strategies of utilities?
Should utilities, as regional monopolies, be taking a more active role in ensuring the various net zero plans within their communities all tie together?
This webinar will look at the role of utilities in supporting local net zero plans and what wider support is needed to ensure councils are set up for the climate fight.
Panellists will include Eric Brown, who leads the work on smart local energy systems for the Energy Systems Catapult: Roger Hey, DSO, Systems & Projects manager at Western Power Distribution and Cheryl Hiles, director of energy capital at the West Midlands Combined Authority.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Should local authorities be mandated to produce a net-zero strategy? Does there need to be a national standard for the plans they produce?
- How can utilities help councils develop the skills to react to the climate crisis? Should this involve joint investment plans or sharing of staff?
- What investment mechanisms are needed to allow councils to tap into fresh resources for net-zero products?
- How should utilities’ stakeholder engagement strategies evolve to ensure their plans are aligned with those of their local community?
- How can utilities and councils best work together on community engagement around the behaviour change needed for the energy transition?