Does targeting trust change the way service is designed? Service leaders at Southern Water, UK Power Networks and Utilita share their views.
Senior leaders from across the utilities sector join Utility Week to discuss their experiences and expectations of the ways in which the acquisition of customer trust should define the design and delivery of service.
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The future success of energy and water companies increasingly relies on their ability to gain consumer buy-in to new tariffs and ways of using energy and water more intelligently. It’s a make or break issue for future profitability and sustainability.
But getting this buy-in requires a leap of faith from consumers and trust in utilities is at a low ebb according to established indicators like the UK Customer Satisfaction Index.
Can utilities change the way they design and deliver customer service in ways that demonstrably support growth of trust and the realisation of future business goals?
In this webinar, hosted in association with Capita, we will discuss:
- How to gain a realistic picture of customer trust in your brand
- How to anticipate and influence the “propensity to trust” of individuals or key customer demographics
- How to interpret and leverage data with trust in mind
- Successful messaging and engagement techniques to encourage trust
- How to boost engagement without prompting costly surges in customer contacts
Speakers will include:
- Louise Walsh, chief customer contact officer, Utilita
- Ian Cameron, director of customer service, UK Power Networks
- Katy Taylor, chief customer officer, Southern Water
- Jason McKinley, managing director retail and utilities, Capita
- Jane Gray, content director, Utility Week (chair)
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