Could a net zero boom lead to supply chain busts?
Event Date: 26/08/2021 11:00 am

Industry leaders and supply chain experts discuss the responsible procurement risks which could arise from a net zero investment boom as evidence emerges of poor and unethical labour practices in low carbon supply chains. How can these risks be combated with robust audit and due diligence processes?
In the race for net zero UK utilities are driving hard to adopt new low carbon technologies, adapt infrastructure and develop renewable generation. But as they seek to implement new technologies and materials to support decarbonisation, how confident are they that they are maintaining standards in relation to responsible sourcing?
With evidence suggesting that rising demand for low carbon technologies is allowing poor labour practices to develop in multiple areas – through manufacturing facilities, logistics chains and on construction sites – Utility Week has partnered with supply chain experts at Achilles to host a timely webinar which will explore:
- Evidence of poor labour practices in low carbon technology supply chains – globally and in the UK.
- Encounters with these issues at UK utilities.
- How to ensure responsible sourcing principles and ambitions are upheld in practice – for all procurement decisions.
- What best practice audit and due diligence processes for responsible sourcing should look like.
Join the webinar to hear from leaders at Northumbrian Water, UK Power Networks and Cranfield University about their outlook on the procurement risks associated with a net zero boom and how they are responding.
Speakers will include:
- Nirmal Kotecha, director of capital programme and procurement, UK Power Networks
- Phil Hicks, head of procurement, Northumbrian Water
- Soroosh Sam Saghiri, senior lecturer in supply chain management, Cranfield School of Management
- Adam Whitfield, quality assurance and audit programme manager, Achilles